AUTOBASE 10.2.6 Revisions Release: 2013-07-04
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* Autobase 10 is Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 or later must be installed.


Bugs Fixed (The following bugs are fixed.)

1) Additional data is generated or different record time generated when changes the computer's time at SaveList in Data Server Program.

2) Additional data is generated or different record time generated when changes the computer's time in Milli-Data.

3) Module script(Start/Running/End) is not running at ToolBar Module and Graphic Module Object.

4) Option does not apply when select 'Cancel value' in AI Tag

5) Selected coordinates and object coordinates are displayed at different positions in Expand Option of Studio.

6) Pictures are displayed small or cut when using overlay and rotation 90 degree in Animation/Bitmap object.

7) The second argument does not apply in @DbTrendSetStartTime method.

8) The message "Digital tag not set." is displayed when Digital Tag is used as Output combination and Bit On/Off Change option is used in Graphic object.

9) The error occurs when time set to 24 in Excel Reporter.

10)  The error occurs when using unauthorized folder in Milli-Data. (Modified to show an error message)

11) SMS Enable/Disable settings are not saved when exit program in SMS Manager.

12) @ObjectSetText Method does not apply in SingleText Object using none Smoothing Mode.

13) The error occurs in CE Deployment when using 'Clear destination folder before Copy' Option.

14) Alarm level Settings does not apply in Analog Input Detail.

15) Current value not change after select other site in ViewMain Program.



1) You can also modify Mouse-Response Tab at multiple-mode in AI/DI/ST Objects.


Excel Report

1) 64Bit Excel supported. Assembly automatically installed after setup Autobase. (If you use 32bit excel in 64bit Windows then run RegisterNetDll32.exe as Administrator Mode)


Communication Program

1) You can clear Modem Error by Tag Option "Extra1:#DO#  Address:0012"

2) You can read status of CTS/DSR/RING/RLSD when using COM Port. (Use 1.C~F Bit of System Memoty. Check the "Use Device Information" options in 'Edit Port File')


Tag Properties

1) The maximum value was changed from 30 seconds to 3600 seconds at "Alarm Delay on big change".


Script Add/Modify

1) uint MathFloatToUint(float data); - Changes Float to turn into a 4-byte Uint. For example, 1.12 returned 0x3F8F5C29.

2) int ScheduleGetActive(); - Returns active state of the Schedule Control

3) int ScheduleSetActive(int flag); - Sets active state of the Schedule Control

4) int MailSend(string mail_server, string username, string password, int ssl, string mail_to, string mail_from, string title, string text, int text_format, string filename); - Send out an e-mail.

5) void PrintModuleDialogBox(string module_name); - When printing graphics module uses the Print Dialog Box.

6) DbTrendGetCursorTime(string classname, int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second); - Adds second argument.

7) void ObjectSetRotationAxis(string classname, int axis); - Modify rotation axis of objects. (0=center, 1=left/top, 2=right/top, 3=left/bottom, 4=right/bottom)

8) void DataGridSetColumnWidth(string classname, int column_pos, int width); - Sets column width of DataGrid object.

9) void DataGridSetRowHeight(string classname, int row_pos, int height); - Sets column height of DataGrid object.


Communication Driver

1) FnS FC410 Series driver developed.

2) OVAL NF500 Series driver modified.

3) HalTech CParticle driver developed.

4) HanYoung MP3 driver developed.

5) FS-1200C driver developed.

6) Pine View driver developed.

7) Genius GT-600 driver developed.

8) Tascon Power Meter driver developed.


